Sweets - combine and surprise your loved ones
Chocolate candies and flowers - always a perfect combination
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What kind of sweets are on offer?
In our offer we have 3 types of chocolate candies.
On what occasions can sweets be given as a gift?
Sweets can be given as a gift on a friend's birthday, when you want to surprise your girlfriend or when there is an important event in the life of your loved ones.
Can a personalized card be offered along with the sweets?
Not. Sweets are only delivered if they are bought together with a bouquet/floral arrangement. And in this case, yes, you can add a gift card.
Flori rezistente la soare – Caracteristici si sfaturi pentru intretinerea adecvata a acestora
Semnificatia trandafirului: iata ce ai nevoie sa stii pentru a oferi corespunzator un buchet de trandafiri
Flori in functie de zodie – ce flori sunt considerate „talismanele norocoase” pentru fiecare zodie in parte
Flori la prima intalnire: cate si ce flori se cuvine sa oferi ca sa o impresionezi
Cand se ofera flori barbatilor Idei florale ingenioase pentru o impresie de neuitat