Bouquets of roses
Bouquets with roses - Choose a bouquet composed of these special flowers, ideal for many occasions
Rose bouquets ideal for loved ones
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Roses in Bucharest and Brasov - choose a bouquet composed of these wonderful flowers, ideal for many occasions
Did you know that the rose is 35 million years old? It is a symbol of love and romance . Since ancient times, the flower was used to describe passion and emotion. It remains one of the most popular choices when it comes to modern flower bouquets.
Thus, a bouquet of roses is ideal for any occasion, be it Valentine's Day, anniversaries or other special events. If you want to express your love to another person, there are few gifts that can serve better than such a bouquet. It can send the loved one the message that they are loved and appreciated.
Bouquets of elegant and colorful roses
Our bouquets are made of flowers in shades of yellow, pink, white, orange and red. Yellow ones, for example, are an excellent way to celebrate a strong friendship, while white is associated with beginnings, being ideal for weddings and baptisms. Also, they can be combined in mixed bouquets , along with freesias, tulips and orchids, to complete the delightful color palette and to give an extra touch of elegance. Another option to which you can direct your attention is the cryogenic rose which, besides being a gorgeous decoration, will not wither until many years later.
Thus, if you are from Bucharest or Brasov and want to make a pleasant surprise for a loved one, a personalized arrangement is the ideal gift for romantic occasions or for birthdays . Regardless of the color, one thing is certain: you will never go wrong with these flowers!
What types of roses do the bouquets contain?
The bouquets contain different types of roses: broken roses, garden roses, special roses, etc.
Are the bouquets made with natural roses?
Yes, the bouquets are made with natural roses.
What colors are the bouquets of roses?
Rose bouquets can have several colors: red, pink, white, yellow, orange and purple. We also have bouquets with multicolored roses.
Can rose bouquets be made to order?
Yes, bouquets of roses can be made to order.
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